Bede Béla - Wine Regions of Hungary (Magyar borvidékek)
Megjelenés ideje: 2013-04-15
ISBN: 9789631361315
404 oldal
Ára: 4990 Ft
Wine Regions of Hungary (Magyar borvidékek)
This second volume in Corvina\'s series of themed guidebooks presents the wine regions of Hungary, exploring their history, soil, climate and most typical grape varieties. The guide covers all 145 of the more significant wine producers in the country, conveniently breaking them down by region. We are introduced to each producer\'s winemaking \'philosophy\' and working ethos, as well as full contact details and information on wine-tastings, retail and accommodation. And, in order to make the guide as full as possible, the winemakers covered here have themselves recommended a further 211 wineries of interest, listed here with full contact details. <br>
The guide is handsomely illustrated with 650 colour photographs, and has map and GPS references to aid orientation.
Bede Béla 1948-
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